Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Today is the first day of the 2nd semester so first we quickly went through the classroom procedure/disclosure-

#1, Hall pass is given - students may go to the locker, restroom, or get a drink twice each term with the hall pass. The first time students go out for any reason with the hall pass, there will be a punch on it to refer that this students has been out once. The second time you use the hall pass to go out, it will be taken away to refer that you run out of your privilege to go out of classroom. If you need to go out the classroom but also run out of your hall pass, you need to ask your classmates or friends in class if they would like to let you use their hall pass. If they do, you may use their hall pass to go out. Non-used hall pass will be used at the end of the term to be a missing assignment pass, a tardy pass, an absence pass, or a 10 extra points for participation.

#2, participation points - each student may receive 15 points for their participation each time they come to the class and participate the activities in class. If a students is absent, then he/she needs to get online to copy down the words we learn that day onto their notebook and show the teacher their notes next day they come to earn back their participation points.

The student who talk and/or has disruptive behaviors will be marked on a piece of paper and taken away their participation points. 

absent = -15pts  (may earn the pts back by coping down the words online onto their notes and show the teacher) 

tardy = -5 pts (may use the hall pass to be a one-time tardy pass) 

talkative/distruptive behavior = -5pts (may earn extra back if their behavior is improved for making up their previous lost points)

extra points = +5 pts for striving hard to speak Chinese in class and extra effort in performance 

#3, Missing assignments - any assignment is and will be posted online. Students may download the assignments online and complete them and turn in in.

#4, Late assignments- late assignments and re-do assignments ARE ALLOWED for the class. There is mercy week for students to turn in their assignments. After the mercy week, students turn in assignments late will be given 90% of points for the assignment. The teacher ask for COMPLETED assignments. Any incompleted assignments will be returned to the owner and required to turn in COMPLETED.

#5, Referral -
if you talk while the teacher is talking or have disruptive behavior, you will be marked a tally (-1pt), two tally (-2pts); three tally (-3pts); four tally (-5pts) and your parents will receive an email that day.

If your behavior is not improved after an email sent to your parents and you still talk while the teacher is talking or have disruptive behavior, you will be marked a tally (-1pt), two tally (-2pts); three tally (-3pts); four tally (-5pts) and you will receive a blank referral and your parents will received another email that day.

If your behavior is not improved after an email sent to your parents with a blank referral and you still talk while the teacher is talking or have disruptive behavior, you will be marked a tally (-1pt), two tally (-2pts); three tally (-3pts); four tally (-5pts) and you will receive a filled-in referral and your parents will received another email that day.

If your behavior is not improved after an email sent to your parents with a filled-in referral and you still talk while the teacher is talking or have disruptive behavior, you will be marked a tally (-1pt), two tally (-2pts); three tally (-3pts); four tally (-5pts) and you will be sent to the administrator's office/ISS room directly.

For Chinese Level II and III students, they have more strict classroom policy than level I students as we have 40 students in the class. To remain class learning environment, strict classroom rules are required for Level II and III students. if you talk while the teacher is talking or have disruptive behavior, you will be marked a tally (-5pt), two tally (-10pts); three tally (-15pts) and your parents will receive an email that day.

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