Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31st 2012 二零一二年一月三十一日星期二 - A

January 31st 2012

Periods 1, 2 & 3 are writing their Chinese New Year Culture project. The following are the requirements of the project. Chinese II & III need to have their slides in pin yin. They will present in class using mostly Chinese.

Choose one of the following topics for your personal project:
· Chinese New Year Legend
· Chinese New Year Food
· Chinese New Year Culture/Celebration
· Chinese New Year Superstition

Research at least 3 websites about your topic on Chinese New Year and write down the information you need for your project.

Design a powerpoint file with 25 slides (including title page and the resources page) and present what you’ve learned in class. Chinese Level I students may create the powerpoint in English.

January 30th 2012 二零一二年一月三十日星期一 - B

January 28th 2012

Period 8 is writing their Chinese New Year Culture project. The following are the requirements of the project. Chinese II & III need to have their slides in pin yin. They will present in class using mostly Chinese.

Choose one of the following topics for your personal project:

· Chinese New Year Legend
· Chinese New Year Food
· Chinese New Year Culture/Celebration
· Chinese New Year Superstition

Research at least 3 websites about your topic on Chinese New Year and write down the information you need for your project.

Design a powerpoint file with 25 slides (including title page and the resources page) and present what you’ve learned in class. Chinese Level I students may create the powerpoint in English.

Friday, January 27, 2012

January 27th 2012 二零一二年一月二十七日星期五 - A

January 27th 2012 二零一二年一月二十七日星期五 - A

Periods 1 - 3:

Chinese New Years continues! We took a pretest on cultural symbols and common myths of Chinese New Year.

Vocabulary words:


過(guò) 新(xīn) 年(nián)


放(fàng) 鞭(biān) 炮(páo)


春(chūn) 聯(lián)

餃(jiǎo) 子(zǐ)

回(huí) 家(jiā)

去(qù) 舊(jiù)

慶(qìng) 祝(zhù)

快(kuài) 樂(lè)


We then filled in the blanks in our New Years Books and started preparing to read these books to the Chinese students at Syracuse Elem.

January 26th 2012 二零一二年一月二十六日星期四 - B

January 26th 2012 二零一二年一月二十六日星期四 - B

8th Period:

Chinese New Years continues! We took a pretest on cultural symbols and common myths of Chinese New Year.

We also reviewed radicals. Radicals help us understand the meanings of and origins Chinese characters.

Students had to identify the radicals in texts as well as match characters with the correct radical group.

Students (in groups) were asked to speculate about the origins of Chinese characters in relation with radicals. For example ( the tin man is missing a 心 "heart" so his life carries no 意思 "meaning" noticing that the radicals on the bottom of the characters are the heart radical, good job group one)

Radicals used:













January 25th 2012 二零一二年一月二十五日星期三 - A

January 25th 2012 二零一二年一月二十五日星期三 - A

1st-2nd periods:

This week we are celebrating Chinese New Years. We made dragons while watching a Chinese movie: 功夫之王 gong fu zhi wang. After being graded, we will put the dragons on the classroom wall.

3rd Period: Field Trip!! We were actually able to talk to the chef and the servers in Chinese!! The food was great and all you can eat!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 24rd 2012 二零一二年一月二十四日星期二 - B

January 24rd 2012 二零一二年一月二十四日星期二 - B

8th period:

This week we are celebrating Chinese New Years. We made dragons while watching a Chinese movie: 功夫之王 gong fu zhi wang. After being graded, we will put the dragons on the classroom wall.

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23rd 2012 二零一二年一月二十三日星期一 - A- B

January 23rd 2012 二零一二年一月二十三日星期一 - A

Today's topic was radicals. Radicals help us understand the meanings of and origins Chinese characters.

This lesson was used for periods 1-3. Students had to identify the radicals in texts as well as match characters with the correct radical group.

Students (in groups) were asked to speculate about the origins of Chinese characters in relation with radicals. For example ( the tin man is missing a 心 "heart" so his life carries no 意思 "meaning" noticing that the radicals on the bottom of the characters are the heart radical, good job group one)

Radicals used:













Friday, January 20, 2012

January 19th 二零一二年一月十九日星期四 - A

January 19th 二零一二年一月十九日星期四 - A

1st and 2nd period:


把(bǎ) 。。。那(nà) 起(qǐ) 來(lái)

把(bǎ) 。。。切(qiē) 成(chéng) 片(piàn)

然(rán) 後(hòu)

把(bǎ) 。。。倒(dào) 在(zài) 。。。 上(shàng) 面(miàn)

勺(sháo) 子(zǐ)

。。。的(de) 時(shí) 候(hòu)

Story: Students worked in groups to create pieces of the story to make a overall story as a class. Students filled in the blanks with their own ideas.

一yī 天tiān , ______一yī 個gè 人rén 在zài 家jiā 裏li 。 他tā 走zǒu 進jìn 廚chú 房fáng ,從cóng ________ 裏li 拿ná 出chū 冰__________ 。然rán 後hòu , 他tā 又yòu 從cóng ______ 拿ná 出chū 巧qiǎo 克kè 力lì ­­­­­________ 。 ______ 走zǒu 到dào 桌zhuō 子zǐ 那nà 裏li 。桌zhuō 子zǐ 長cháng 長cháng 的de ,是shì ________ 的de ,桌zhuō 子zǐ 上shàng 面miàn 有yǒu 香xiāng 蕉jiāo , 還hái 有yǒu ___________ 和hé 一yī 把bǎ 刀dāo 。
______把bǎ 刀dāo 拿ná 起qǐ 来,用yòng 刀dāo 把bǎ _________ 切qiē 成chéng 片piàn , 把bǎ ______ 片piàn 放fàng 在zài 碗wǎn 里lǐ ,然rán 后hòu ,把bǎ _____________放fàng 在zài _______ 片piàn 上shàng 面miàn , 再zài 把bǎ _______ 牛niú 奶nǎi 倒dào 在zài 冰bīng 淇qí 淋lín 上shàng 面miàn 。

Students filled in blanks to the song: "Gong xi ni"

3rd period:

For the first ten minutes of class the students will copy down the vocabulary words and date.
Addressing the class as a whole the teacher will go over the date and the vocabulary words. The teacher will use Q & A to help the students remember the words covered.
Activity: The students will use personal whiteboards to draw the characters and pronunciation (pinyin) and pictures as the teacher directs.
Activity: Students will work in groups to “decode the story.”
We will regroup as a class and discuss the story

The last couple minutes of class we will work on the “Chinese New Year’s Song.”

一yī 瓶píng 水shuǐ
打dǎ 呼hū 嚕lū
醒xǐng了 le

兩liǎng 只zhī 猴hóu 子zǐ 在zài 一yī 張zhāng 床chuáng 上shàng 睡shuì 覺jiào 。 一yī 只zhī 猴hóu 子zǐ 胖pàng ,一yī 只zhī 猴hóu 子zǐ 瘦shòu 。胖pàng 猴hóu 子zǐ 睡shuì 覺jiào 抓zhuā 了le 一yī 瓶píng 水shuǐ ,倒dào 在zài 胖pàng 猴hóu 子zǐ 身shēn 上shàng 。 胖pàng 猴hóu 子zǐ 醒xǐng 了le , 很hěn 生shēng 氣qì ,因yīn 為wèi 它tā 身shēn 上shàng 都dōu 是shì 水shuǐ 。 胖pàng 猴hóu 子zǐ 也yě 抓zhuā 了le 一yī 瓶píng 水shuǐ ,倒dào 在zài 瘦shòu 猴hóu 子zǐ 身shēn 上shàng 。 現xiàn 在zài ,兩liǎng 只zhī 猴hóu 子zǐ 身shēn 上shàng 都dōu 是shì 水shuǐ 。

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Januray 18th 2012 二零一二年一月十八日星期三 - B

We reviewed the story from January 11th. We learned the following vocabulary words:

可(kě) 是(shì)
身(shēn) 上(shàng)
都(dōu) 是
(shì)身(shēn) 上(shàng) 都(dōu) 是(shì) 。。
房(fáng) 子(zǐ)
睡(shuì) 覺(jiào)
裏(li) 面(miàn)
快(kuài)快(kuài) 地(dì)

We constructed sentences with our vocabulary words, then we played a game with our sentences. We drew pictures of our sentences and had our classmates guess the meaning of our sentences.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 17th 2012 二零一二年十七日星期二- A

January 17th 2012 二零一二年十七日星期二- A

First Day of the semester. All of the classes received a new seating chart. We also played a short "name game" activity to help students get to know their classmates.

Period 1:

從cóng ………..裏li
走zǒu 進jìn
廚chú 房fáng
拿ná 出chū
香xiāng 蕉jiāo
一yī 只zhī 碗wǎn
一yī 把bǎ 刀dāo

After vocabulary, we constructed sentences using these new words. We played a short game with the sentences we constructed. Using these vocabulary words we constructed sentences as a class on individual whiteboards. Including the 都(dōu) construction.

Period 2:
Vocab: 從cóng ………..裏li
走zǒu 進jìn
廚chú 房fáng
拿ná 出chū
香xiāng 蕉jiāo
一yī 只zhī 碗wǎn
一yī 把bǎ 刀dāo

After vocabulary, we constructed sentences using these new words. We played a short game with the sentences we constructed.

Period 3: We reviewed the story from January 11th. We learned the following vocabulary words:

可(kě) 是(shì)

身(shēn) 上(shàng)

都(dōu) 是(shì)

身(shēn) 上(shàng) 都(dōu) 是(shì) 。。

房(fáng) 子(zǐ)

睡(shuì) 覺(jiào)

裏(li) 面(miàn) 快(kuài)

快(kuài) 地(dì)

We constructed sentences with our vocabulary words, then we played a game with our sentences. We drew pictures of our sentences and had our classmates guess the meaning of our sentences.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12th 2012 二零一二年十二日星期四- B

January 12th 2012    二零一二年十二日星期四- B

Students fill in citinzenship records and took a short term-ending quiz.

Period 6:  We reviewed the story from January 10th.  We learned the following vocabulary words:

可(kě) 是(shì)
身(shēn) 上(shàng)
都(dōu) 是(shì)
身(shēn) 上(shàng) 都(dōu) 是(shì) 。。

房(fáng) 子(zǐ)
睡(shuì) 覺(jiào)
裏(li) 面(miàn)
快(kuài) 快(kuài) 地(dì)

Using these vocabulary words we constructed sentences as a class on individual whiteboards.  Including the都(dōu) construction. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11th, 2012 一月十一日二零一二年星期三- A

January 11th, 2012   一月十一日二零一二年星期三- A

1st Period: 


zhù zài
hǎi tān
 fù jìn
zài ……….. gōng zuò
yī jiā yī yuàn
mì shū
I read a story and students copied down the parts they understood.  Afterwards the students collaborated with fellow students to fill in missing pieces.  Then the class as a whole retold the story one sentence at a time. 
______ jīn nián sì shí liù suì tā zài yī jiā yī yuàn gōng zuò nà jiā yī yuàn jiào ————醫yī yuàn ——————是shì mì shū tā shì wǔ gè yī shēng de mì shū ————有yǒu yī gè 兒ér zǐ ,————沒méi yǒu nǚ 兒ér ————的de 兒ér zǐ jiào —————。

————是shì yī gè zhōng xué shēng ,今jīn niánshí三sān suì tā men zhù zài ————海hǎi tān fù jìn tā men de fáng zǐ bú dà bù xiǎo ,是shì zōng sè de

Students filled in the blanks with noun they felt interested them. 

2nd Period: 


zhù zài
hǎi tān
 fù jìn
zài ……….. gōng zuò
yī jiā yī yuàn
mì shū

Students were given 5 minutes on their own to transcribe the story using the vocabulary words they learned. 
______ jīn nián sì shí liù suì tā zài yī jiā yī yuàn gōng zuò nà jiā yī yuàn jiào ————醫yī yuàn ——————是shì mì shū tā shì wǔ gè yī shēng de mì shū ————有yǒu yī gè 兒ér zǐ ,————沒méi yǒu nǚ 兒ér ————的de 兒ér zǐ jiào —————。

————是shì yī gè zhōng xué shēng ,今jīn niánshí三sān suì tā men zhù zài ————海hǎi tān fù jìn tā men de fáng zǐ bú dà bù xiǎo ,是shì zōng sè de

Students filled in the blanks with noun they felt interested them. 

3rd Period:  We learned the vocabulary:

 在 zài 。。。上 shàng

一 yī  張 zhāng  床 chuáng

下 xià  大 dà 雨yǔ

爬 pá


We used these words to translate the following story:
yī gè nán hái yǒu yī         zhāng chuáng   nán hái bù xǐ huān zài chuáng shàng shuì        jiào

yī tiān ,男nán hái zǒu dào wài miàn pá dào shù shàng 。男nán hái zài shù shàng shuì jiào kě shì xià dá yǔ le   xiàn zài ,男nán hái zài dì shàng shuì jiào  

Afterwards we worked on the sentence 男(nán) 孩(hái) 走(zǒu) 到(dào) 外(wài) 面(miàn) and each student created 5 sentences practicing subject/verb/object construction.

We translated the lyrics of "Gong xi Gong xi."

měi tiáo dà 街jiē 小xiǎo xiàng  měi gè 人rén de zuǐ 裏li
jiàn miàn dì 一yī 句jù 話huà  jiù 是shì 恭gōng xǐ 恭gōng xǐ
gōng xǐ 恭gōng xǐ 恭gōng xǐ 恭gōng xǐ 你nǐ 呀ya
gōng xǐ 恭gōng xǐ 恭gōng xǐ 恭gōng xǐ 你nǐ 呀ya

dōng tiān yǐ 到dào jìn tózhēn shì 好hǎo de xiāo xí
wēnǔ 暖nuǎn de chūn fēng  jiù 要yào chuī 醒xǐng dà 地dì
gōng xǐ 恭gōng xǐ 恭gōng xǐ 恭gōng xǐ 你nǐ 呀ya