Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 17th 2012 二零一二年十七日星期二- A

January 17th 2012 二零一二年十七日星期二- A

First Day of the semester. All of the classes received a new seating chart. We also played a short "name game" activity to help students get to know their classmates.

Period 1:

從cóng ………..裏li
走zǒu 進jìn
廚chú 房fáng
拿ná 出chū
香xiāng 蕉jiāo
一yī 只zhī 碗wǎn
一yī 把bǎ 刀dāo

After vocabulary, we constructed sentences using these new words. We played a short game with the sentences we constructed. Using these vocabulary words we constructed sentences as a class on individual whiteboards. Including the 都(dōu) construction.

Period 2:
Vocab: 從cóng ………..裏li
走zǒu 進jìn
廚chú 房fáng
拿ná 出chū
香xiāng 蕉jiāo
一yī 只zhī 碗wǎn
一yī 把bǎ 刀dāo

After vocabulary, we constructed sentences using these new words. We played a short game with the sentences we constructed.

Period 3: We reviewed the story from January 11th. We learned the following vocabulary words:

可(kě) 是(shì)

身(shēn) 上(shàng)

都(dōu) 是(shì)

身(shēn) 上(shàng) 都(dōu) 是(shì) 。。

房(fáng) 子(zǐ)

睡(shuì) 覺(jiào)

裏(li) 面(miàn) 快(kuài)

快(kuài) 地(dì)

We constructed sentences with our vocabulary words, then we played a game with our sentences. We drew pictures of our sentences and had our classmates guess the meaning of our sentences.

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