Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15, Tuesday - 五月十五日星期二 - B Day

For 8th period students today, we did the same activities as 3rd period students do but spent longer time on PQA with all the following words. To simplify the words, we didn't learned extra words like what 3rd period students do but just the words required for the story.
mài dāng láo = McDonald's
hàn bǎo bāo = hamburger
wèn = ask
yī zhízǒu = keep walking (straight)
zuǒ guǎi = left turn, turn left
...de páng biān = next tozhīdào = don't know
We used a sheet of paper instead of whiteboard to practice the words. After the paper writing and practice, students were assigned a word and were separated into two groups to play the clapping game to practice pronounciating these new words.

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