Monday, December 9, 2013

十二月六 & 九日 星期五 & 一 - B & A Days

For Chinese Level One students, we are learning to tell the time in Chinese, which needs students to be familiar with numbers. However, it is found that there are still some students who are not familiar with numbers even 1-10. Therefore we reviewed the numbers and then we played a  game called "九十九“.

Material: Poker cards.
1. Cards - 4 means return, J means pass, Q means +/- 20, K means +/- 30.
2. group students of 4
3. One member in the group shuffles the cards and distributes all the cards to group members until they are gone.
4. the 1st member in the group places down a card in his hand and says the number on the card in Chinese.
5. the 2nd member places down a card and add up the numbers. For example, if the 1st student says "5" and the 2nd student places the card "6", then he/she has to say "11".
6. the 3rd member places down a card and add up the numbers. For example, the 2nd student said "11", and the 3rd student places down the card "8", then s/he has to say "19".
7. the 4th member places down a card and add up the numbers. For example the 3rd student said "19" and the 4th student places down the card "1", then s/he has to say "20".
8 The numbers cannot go up more than 99. If A student said "99", then the next student either has to use Q to minus 20 or K to minus 30. If s/he doesn't have the Q or K, then he will need to use 4 to return to the previous student, or use J to pass to the next student. If s/he doesn't have any of those cards, he is out and lose the game.
9. The 1st student who runs out of all the cards and still in the game, s/he wins.

For Chinese Level II & III students we learned the following words
早餐 = 早飯 = breakfast
什麽時候 = when

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