Friday, March 7, 2014

March 7th, 2014 Friday

Well, I'm using our CTE teacher's computer and since there is no Chinese in hers, I have to type in English.
Today it is the orange chicken and beacon ham fry rice day which means we came to the kitchen lab to cook these two dishes.
Some things I found out today...
1. Some students don't know it needs oil to 'FRY' rice, orange chicken, etc.
2. Always there is someone who forgets to bring something to school for their team.
3. Poor moms and dads are busy this morning to bring the stuff for their children.
4. There's no 'CLEAN-UP' concepts.
5. Some students don't know the procedures of cooking; they keep coming and asking me what is the next!

1. wet your cloth and wipe off the greasy stuff on the surface.
2. next use the dry cloth to dry off the surface.
3. then you may spray, use the wet cloth, and last dry it.

NO OFFENSE, just feel like these teens clean the stove and countertop by simply spraying and dry cloth. All the greasy is still there.

For 4th period, I mostly like won't let them cook fry rice as there is not enough time for the to cook both dishes. We'll see.

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