Today 3 periods had their 3 different activities and content.
1st period - After Luke and Alex did their calendar introduction, we set the class into 2 groups. One group did the time reading and the other did the time writing. We first set the group who did the time reading into pairs. Partner A read aloud the story about Andy想要體格健壯 in 3 minutes and then Partner B read it to PartnerA. After 3 minutes, they needed to work on finishing reading it in 2.5 minutes and then 2 minutes. While the time-reading group was reading, the time-write group was using the laptop to type and create their story. The only request is they had to use the words we learned in the past two weeks. Oh, by the way, Ren did his calendar presentation at the end and won the whole class applause. 15 minutes before the class dismissed, we learned some new words -
特tè 別bié = special
別bié 的de = other
痛tòng = hurt, ache
疼téng = hurt, ache
肚dǔ 子zǐ = stomache, belly
2nd period - we went to Syracuse Elementary to do some activities with Mr. Law's students who are Chinese immersion program. First, Mr. Law and I sat in front of the classroom, Mr. Law explained and demonstrated what we were going to do. He drew my head, eyes, nose, and ears on his paper and I did his on mine. And then we assigned one of my students to one or two elementary students and they were assigned to draw one another just like what Mr. Law and I did. After the drawings, our students helped them with math like 3+2=? Since we didn't come back until 20 minutes before the class dismissed. Plus after we came back, we discussed a little bit about the activities we did in the elementary and would like to have some feedback from them to improve our future plans. Therefore, we didn't have much time to do what 1st period students. However, we had Tommy, Alex, Amina, and Scott do their calednar presentation.
3rd period - we used the flashcards today. We set students as pairs. First students studied their flashcards for 3 minutes, and then Partner A and B took turn to quiz each other via flashcards in 5 minutes. Partner A showed Partner B flashcards one by one. When he/she showed one, he had to read the word aloud to his/her partner, and the partner had to say what the word means in English. If the partner didn't know the word then he needed to say "不bù 知zhī 道dào " and Partner A had to tell Partner B what it mean and put the flashcard aside for later use. If they got it right, they earned an extra point for that word. And then Partner B's turn. After both are done, students had another 5 minutes to review the words they don't know or not familiar with, and then we did it again in 3 minutes. After that, we used whiteboards to review the words we've learned in the past two weeks. The reason we reviewed it because we didn't reach the goal that 80% of students are able to recognize the English meaning of 80% of words we've learned. We used sentences such as the follwing sentences --
Carrick很hěn 懶lǎn 惰duò
Carrick不bù 打dǎ 掃sǎo 他tā 的de 房fáng 間jiān
Carrick的de 房fáng 間jiān 很hěn 亂luàn
Carrick的de 房fáng 間jiān 很hěn 髒zāng
Carrick的de 媽mā 媽mā 要yào Carrick打dǎ 掃sǎo 他tā 的de 房fáng 間jiān
Carrick打dǎ 掃sǎo 他tā 的de 房fáng 間jiān
現xiàn 在zài Carrick的de 房fáng 間jiān 很hěn 乾淨jìng
Carrick的de 房fáng 間jiān 也yě 很hěn 整zhěng 齊qí
Patrick很hěn 勤qín 勞láo
Patrick整zhěng 天tiān 做zuò 運yùn 動dòng
Patrick有yǒu 結jiē 實shí 的de 肌jī 肉ròu
Patrick體tǐ 格gé 健jiàn 壯zhuàng
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