8th period -
It seems they don't get too many words from the story, so they definitely need to work on their vocabulary more.
#1, Please help them practice the words on the flashcards with small whiteboards.
#2, Please ask them use the the story (only the first 3 paragraphs) and copy down the story but with some changes on the names and location. For example, (write this done on the board) change Mermaidman into Spiderman, change shafa into yizi; change fangjian to fangzi, and change Jeremy Lin into Justin Bierber.
#3, Give each table one flashcard with one Chinese word on it and one piece of paper. Assign each table a number and have them write down the number on their paper. Tell the students they are going to create a sentence with the word on the flashcard in 1.5 minutes. After 1.5 minutes they are going to pass the paper to the next table and the next table is going to read the written sentence(s) and then create a setnece with the word on their flashcard but the sentence they create has to be related or has connection to the 1st sentence. After it's done, the paper has to pass to the next table. Repeat this until all the tables receive their original paper.
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