Thursday, February 21, 2013

二月二十一日星期四 February 21, Thursday - A Day

FOR CHINESE LEVEL I ABSENT STUDENTS - #1, Copy down the words onto your notebook and then show the teacher when you come back,  #2, Copy down the story we learned onto your notebook as well and then show the teacher when you come back, #3, Watch the video and be familiar with the story.
HOMEWORK - READ THE PINK FAT PIG STORY TO YOUR PARENTS 5 TIMES and have them sign on the story and turn it in by next Tuesday Feb. 25.

FOR CHINESE LEVEL II & III ABSENT STUDENTS - #1, Download the story we learned  and then complete the package. Turn it in when you come back, #3, Watch the video and be familiar with the story.

For Chinese Level I students, today we first reviewed the words and added a new word -
shan = moutain 

 ----(words reviewed)----

pàng = fat
shòu = skinny
生病shēng bìng = (get) sick
shū = book
shǔ = rat
shù = tree

After the review and introduction to the new words, we first had volunteer students translated the story on the board sentence by sentence. Next we used TPRS circling questions to practice listening, speaking, and comprehension skills. After that, we used TPRS opening questions such as...
pàng zhū de míng zì jiào shen me 
胖豬的名字叫什麼? = What is the fat pig's name?
-----(the story we learned on the board) ---Please click THE FAT PIG STORY to open a pdf file for the story.

yǒu yī zhī pàng zhū
tā xǐ huān chī hàn bǎo bāo
yǒu yī zhī shòu hóu zǐ
tā xǐ huān pá shù
yī tiān shòu hóu zǐ zài pá shù
pàng zhū zài chī hàn bǎo bāo
tū rán xià dà yǔ
pàng zhū kū le
shòu hóu zǐ kū le

Later we worked on the package about The Fat Pink Pig Story as pairs and answered the questions to the story.

For Chinese Level II & III students, since the teacher had a doctor appointment during the class so we had a sub for period 3. Students were asked to work on a package about Fat Pink Pig Story; different from Chinese Level I students Level II & III students worked on fill-in the blank to create their own story. After they've done their translation, answering the questions to the story, and filling in the blank, they also worked on creating a story on their own.

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