Tuesday, October 23, 2012

十月二十三日星期二 - October 23, Tuesday - B Day

Chinese Level I stduents we reviewed the colors and learned the following new words.
穿= put on
給 = give
tiān kōng
天 空= sky
雲 = cloud
yī fú
衣服 = clothes

Since lots of students still are not familiar with numbers,
So we stopped what we were learning and practiced the numbers.
We used small whiteboards and practiced as pair.
                                        zhè shì duō shǎo
Partner A asked Partner B: "這是多少?" (How many is this?) while he wrote a number on the board,
Partner B answered the number in Chinese.
                                                                                                           zhè shì duō shǎo
And then Partner B wrote a number on the board and asked Partner A "這是多少?"
Partner A asnwer the number in Chinese.
Students also worked as pairs to read number 1-30 up to 5 minutes and switched partner to read again numbers 1-30 up to 5 minutes. Some students (5th period) stood up and read their numbers 1-30. Most of the 5th period students missed the number 11, 14, and 23. It's quite interesting.

Before the end of 5th period class, students stood in two lines and asked one another the questions
nǐ jǐ suì ?
你幾歲? = how old are you?
nǐ jǐ nián jí ?
你幾年級? = what grade are you in?
nín guì xìng ?
您貴姓? = what is your last name?

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