Even though we have had two days class like chaos; students like to call "Mrs. Duke" just like a three-year-old kid like to call their mom and couldn't wait for recognition, we still learned some.
First, we leared the new words with TPRStory. The teacher drew some pictures on the board and told the story using TPRStory cycling questions to check the comprehension.
一yī 點diǎn 也yě 不bù (+ V./Adjective) = ….not at all
一yī 點diǎn 也yě 沒méi 有yǒu (+ noun) = ….not at all
什shén 麼me 辦bàn 法fǎ = what solution/method/strategy?
沒méi 有yǒu 辦bàn 法fǎ = no solution/no way/no method
變biàn 得dé (+Adjective) = become + adj.
變biàn 成chéng (+ noun) = become + noun
Next, we used the whiteboard to practice and review the words we learned. After that we grouped into groups of 3 and each group was given a short Chinese passage about the story we just told. Students needed to work together to translate the story and wrote it down on a piece of lined paper.
Here's the short passage about the story that students needed to translate.
Paragraph #1
一yī 個gè 男nán 孩hái 的de 名míng 字zì 叫jiào Mermaidman。Mermaidman整zhěng 天tiān 坐zuò 在zài 沙shā 發fā 上shàng 。Mermaidman不bù 打dǎ 掃sǎo 房fáng 間jiān ,他tā 的de 房fáng 間jiān 很hěn 亂luàn 。Mermaidman不bú 做zuò 作zuò 業yè ,也yě 不bù 工gōng 作zuò Mermaidman整zhěng 天tiān 坐zuò 在zài 沙shā 發fā 上shàng 看kàn 電diàn 視shì。
Paragraph #2
Mermaidman很hěn 懶lǎn 惰duò 。他tā 不bù 喜xǐ 歡huān 運yùn 動dòng ,也yě 不bù 喜xǐ 歡huān 跑pǎo 步bù 。一yī 天tiān 過guò 一yī 天tiān ,結jiē 果guǒ ,Mermaidman變biàn 得dé 越yuè 來lái 越yuè 胖pàng ,越yuè 來lái 越yuè 肥féi 。因yīn 為wèi Mermaidman一yī 點diǎn 也yě 沒méi 有yǒu 結jiē 實shí 的de 肌jī 肉ròu , 他tā 一yī 點diǎn 也yě 不bù 高gāo 興xìng 。
Paragraph #3
有yǒu 一yī 天tiān , Mermaidman 開kāi 車chē 去qù 他tā 的de 一yī 個gè 朋péng 友yǒu 叫jiào Jeremy Lin的de 房fáng 子zǐ 那nà 裡lǐ 。Jeremy Lin 很hěn 勤qín 勞láo , 他tā 每měi 天tiān 打dǎ 掃sǎo 他tā 的de 房fáng 間jiān ,所suǒ 以yǐ Jeremy Lin的de 房fáng 間jiān 很hěn 乾gan淨jìng 。Jeremy Lin也yě 很hěn 喜xǐ 歡huān 運yùn 動dòng ,他tā 喜xǐ 歡huān 每měi 天tiān 跑pǎo 步bù 。Jeremy Lin 的de 體tǐ 格gé 健jiàn 壯zhuàng 。Mermaidman看kàn 到dào Jeremy Lin 體tǐ 格gé 健jiàn 壯zhuàng ,他tā 也yě 想xiǎng 要yào 體tǐ 格gé 健jiàn 壯zhuàng 。
* 越yuè 來lái 越yuè 胖pàng = getting fatter and fattter
* 結jiē 果guǒ = as a result
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