Today first we had students copy down 8 new words on the board quickly. We switched seats for the new term after we've done all the copy. A couple of students complained that they couldn't sit by someone, bla,bla, bla, etc. It was okay to suggest the teacher to switch the spot but it was disrespectful to yell aloud, "I couldn't sit by him," "I would die if I sit by him." and acted like a young kid. After we switched the seat, we learned Chinese (Taiwan) Phonetic -
ㄅㄆㄇㄈ = b, p, m, f
ㄉㄊㄋㄌ = d, t, n, l
ㄍㄎㄏ = g, k, h
ㄐㄑㄒ = j, q, x
ㄓㄔㄕㄖ = zh, ch, sh, r
ㄗㄘㄙ = z, c, s
ㄚㄛㄜㄝ = a, o
ㄞㄟㄠㄡ= ai, ei, au, ou
ㄢㄣㄤㄥ= an, en, ang, ong
一ㄨㄩ= i (yi), w (u), yu
While we were learning the phonetic, a couple of students were acting like retard kids due to the sounds. Yup, they were not only made fun of retard kids but also Chinese. Of couse, these kids didn't receive respect from the teacher. After the phonetic, students used whiteboard to practice them and were asked to made flashcards for the phonetic as well.
1) 整zhěng 天tiān = whole day
2) 沙shā 發fā = sofa
3) 打dǎ 掃sǎo = clean (while you clean, you need to use "both hands" - radical parts of bothwords 打dǎ 掃sǎo )
4) 亂luàn = messy (opposite to 整zhěng 齊qí = tidy, clean, organized)
5) 家jiā 庭tíng 作zuò 業yè = homework
6) 作zuò 業yè = assignments
7) 交jiāo = turn in
8) 準zhǔn 時shí = on time
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