Today we learned the following words -
滑huá 板bǎn = snowboard
溜liū 滑huá 板bǎn = ride snowboard
滑huá 滑huá 板bǎn = ride snowboard
調tiáo 皮pí = not behaved; misbehaved
學xué 校xiào = school
學xué 生shēng = student
屋wū 頂dǐng = roof
會huì = can (be able to); will (be going to)
不bú 會huì = cannot (unable to); won't (not going to)
有yǒu = have/has; there's/there are
沒méi 有yǒu = don't have/doesn't have; there isn't/there aren't
可kě 是shì = but
Our objectives are 80% of students are able to recognize the 60% of the words we taught. We first used ASL to learn the words, and then use PQA questions such as 你nǐ 有yǒu 沒méi 有yǒu 滑huá 板bǎn ? = Do you have skateboard?
你nǐ 會huì 不bú 會huì 溜liū 滑huá 板bǎn ? = Do you know how to ride skateboard?
誰shéi 有yǒu 滑huá 板bǎn ? = Who has a skateboard?
誰shéi 會huì 溜liū 滑huá 板bǎn ? = who knows how to ride skateboard?
We also told a story about 馬mǎ 克kè 老lǎo 師shī
馬mǎ 克kè 老lǎo 師shī 會huì 溜liū 滑huá 板bǎn:Mr. Mark knows how to ride skateboard.
馬mǎ 克kè 老lǎo 師shī 很hěn 調tiáo 皮pí = Mr.Mark was not behaved.
他tā 是shì 一yī 個gè 很hěn 調tiáo 皮pí 的de 學xué 生shēng = He was a misbehaved student.
一yī 天tiān ,馬mǎ 克kè 老lǎo 師shī 拿ná 他tā 的de 滑huá 板bǎn 去qù 學xué 校xiào
= One day, Mr.Mark took his skateboard to school
他tā 爬pá 到dào 學xué 校xiào 的de 屋wū 頂dǐng
= he climbed to the school's roof.
他tā 在zài 學xué 校xiào 屋wū 頂dǐng 上shàng 溜liū 滑huá 板bǎn
= He was skateboarding on the roof of the school.
Students were also working on translating a story that we talked about. To access the story please click the story to download it.
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