Sunday, November 13, 2016

Subplan for December 2 Chinese Level I, II, III

December 2-B Day (Friday)

5th  – 8:10-9:30 中文一

6th  (prep) – 9:35-10:50 备课

7th – 10:55-12:10 中文三

2nd lunch – 12:10-12:40

8th - 12:45-2:00 z中文二

All the periods will do the same thing but different story. 所有班级的学生都做同样的事情,只是抄写不同长度的故事。

1.    Please do the roll first. Please tell them that you’re going to do the roll according to the seating chart so they have to sit where they are supposed to. (5 minutes) 根据座位表点名。

2.    Pass out the 4th story to students. Have the students read the story silently for 3 minute, non-stop reading silently. If they finish reading the story, ask them read again until the time is up. Tell them the purpose is for them figure out what party they understand what they don’t. Underline the words they don’t. 将第四个故事发给学生让学生安静地读故事短文三分钟。读完了再读,直到时间到。要他们在不知道的或不懂得字下划线。告诉他们这个活动是让他们看看自己了解这个故事多少。

3.    Discuss the words they don’t know. Pass the ipads to students. Each table (or every two students get one ipad) . Have them go to the app PLECO to look up the words. 讨论不懂的字。请学生去拿平板电脑。用其中的PLECO app 查单字。

4.    After looking up the words they don’t know. Have them silent read the story for 1 minute. 查完单字后,请他们再重读这篇文章一分钟。

5.    Please pass out the line-paper to students and two index cards. Have them write down their name, period and date on the paper. 发横格纸和两张书目卡给学生。请学生写下名字、班级、日期。

6.    Please ask the students to copy down the 1st story and questions in both Chinese characters and Pinyin. Students also need to translate the story to English and answer the questions in Chinese characters and pinyin.

发故事短文给学生。让学生用中文字、拼音抄写故事短文和问题。 之后他们要翻译成英文。

7.    This activity is about 30 minutes. If a student does faster than the others, please ask them to read aloud, non-stop reading, until time is up.这个活动约30分钟。如果有同学先写好的话,请他们大声地读故事短文,读到时间到为止。

8.    After 30 minutes no matter students are done copying or now, please ask questions to check their comprehension. (10 minutes) 三十分钟后,不管学生做完了没,请用中文问学生故事短文一些问题、确认他们都懂短文的内容。

9.    Have them read them read aloud for 3 minutes non-stop reading until 3 minutes is up. Tell the students they have to read the story at least 5 times in 3 minutes. (5-7minutes)


10.Have the students read the story silently for 1 minute, non-stop reading silently.


11.Pair them up to ask one another the story questions for 5 minutes. If they’ve done asking the questions, they have to start over again. (5-8 minutes)


12.Collect the paper. And then pass out the index card and have the students to rewrite the story in pinyin. (15 minutes) 收学生写好的作业/横格纸。最后发书目卡让学生重写故事。用拼音写。

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