Sunday, November 13, 2016

Subplan for December 2 Chinese Level I, II, III

December 2-B Day (Friday)

5th  – 8:10-9:30 中文一

6th  (prep) – 9:35-10:50 备课

7th – 10:55-12:10 中文三

2nd lunch – 12:10-12:40

8th - 12:45-2:00 z中文二

All the periods will do the same thing but different story. 所有班级的学生都做同样的事情,只是抄写不同长度的故事。

1.    Please do the roll first. Please tell them that you’re going to do the roll according to the seating chart so they have to sit where they are supposed to. (5 minutes) 根据座位表点名。

2.    Pass out the 4th story to students. Have the students read the story silently for 3 minute, non-stop reading silently. If they finish reading the story, ask them read again until the time is up. Tell them the purpose is for them figure out what party they understand what they don’t. Underline the words they don’t. 将第四个故事发给学生让学生安静地读故事短文三分钟。读完了再读,直到时间到。要他们在不知道的或不懂得字下划线。告诉他们这个活动是让他们看看自己了解这个故事多少。

3.    Discuss the words they don’t know. Pass the ipads to students. Each table (or every two students get one ipad) . Have them go to the app PLECO to look up the words. 讨论不懂的字。请学生去拿平板电脑。用其中的PLECO app 查单字。

4.    After looking up the words they don’t know. Have them silent read the story for 1 minute. 查完单字后,请他们再重读这篇文章一分钟。

5.    Please pass out the line-paper to students and two index cards. Have them write down their name, period and date on the paper. 发横格纸和两张书目卡给学生。请学生写下名字、班级、日期。

6.    Please ask the students to copy down the 1st story and questions in both Chinese characters and Pinyin. Students also need to translate the story to English and answer the questions in Chinese characters and pinyin.

发故事短文给学生。让学生用中文字、拼音抄写故事短文和问题。 之后他们要翻译成英文。

7.    This activity is about 30 minutes. If a student does faster than the others, please ask them to read aloud, non-stop reading, until time is up.这个活动约30分钟。如果有同学先写好的话,请他们大声地读故事短文,读到时间到为止。

8.    After 30 minutes no matter students are done copying or now, please ask questions to check their comprehension. (10 minutes) 三十分钟后,不管学生做完了没,请用中文问学生故事短文一些问题、确认他们都懂短文的内容。

9.    Have them read them read aloud for 3 minutes non-stop reading until 3 minutes is up. Tell the students they have to read the story at least 5 times in 3 minutes. (5-7minutes)


10.Have the students read the story silently for 1 minute, non-stop reading silently.


11.Pair them up to ask one another the story questions for 5 minutes. If they’ve done asking the questions, they have to start over again. (5-8 minutes)


12.Collect the paper. And then pass out the index card and have the students to rewrite the story in pinyin. (15 minutes) 收学生写好的作业/横格纸。最后发书目卡让学生重写故事。用拼音写。

Subplan for December 1 DLI Chinese 3Honors




  1. 展现对中文单字的理解。
  2. 造中文句子并将这些句子依照故事内容顺序排列
  3. 制作两张重要单字字典表格
  4. 阅读一个中文故事。

目标词汇:Target words
传说 legend
有名 (be) famous
turn, to turn
to hang
牌子 sign
(an expression words for motion continuation)
* 投影:随堂测验2-1-1单字填空。
* 影片:
老外看台灣:高雄夜市好吃好玩郝毅博 Ben Hedges visiting night market in Taiwan
老外郝毅博 偕老婆逛台灣夜市|郝毅博|老外看中國| Ben Hedges visiting night market in Taiwan

* 网络quizlet



Activity One: Warm up: Please write the target words on the board. Once the students step into the classroom, they are expected to copy down the words from the board silently. Please do the roll and get ready for the next activity. (5 minutes)


Activity Two: Review. Review the old words learned last time. You may either use or small whiteboard to review these words. (if you are a sub who does not know Chinese, you may just let them go to on their own to review the words with ipads or their cell phone.)

活动三:影带播放:播放 引起学生兴趣。讨论影带内容。提到吃的主食对中国人的重要性。

Activity Three: Play the video clip for students to motivate student’s interest. Discuss the importance of food to Chinese people.


Activity Four: Introduce the new words. If you are a sub who doesn’t know Chinese, you may have students use ipads, each table or every two students gets one ipads- to look up these words’ meaning. Have them write the words meaning in their words in Chinese onto their notebook.

活动五:练习单字。让学生拿出他们的手机或教室的平板电脑,到quizlet去玩Flashcads, Learn,SpellTest。确定每位学生都完成四个部分的spelltest(如果有学生先做完,请他们才可以玩Match game,可是在那之前,确定每位学生都做完该做的部分) (10-15分钟)

Activity Five: Students may ipads or their cell phone and go to to work on three parts, FLASHCARD, LEARN, SPELL, and TEST. No Match game should be played before students complete all the fours parts.

之后让孩子们拿他们在档案夹里的小白板练习。请他们根据老师所说的单字,写出该单字的中文字、拼音、和句子。看每一个学生的句子,然后给予鼓励。Afterwards, please ask students to pull their own small whiteboard from their binder and practice. If you are a sub who doesn’t know Chinese, you may ask one of the students to say one Chinese, and have all students to write its Chinese characters, pinyin and create their own sentences. 


Activity Six: Pass the fill-in blank for students to work on. About 5 minutes and make sure EVERY STUDENTS done, then please ask them to switch the paper with their neighbors. Project the fill-in worksheet thru document camera and have the students discuss the answers and correct them.  Collect the paper.

活动七;阅读故事:发给每个学生阅读文章「史宾塞的月饼和山姆」。第一次老师大声读,学生听。第二次老师读,学生跟着读。第三次,学生自己读。之后让学生安静地读这故事,读完再读,读到分三钟到为止。  (10分钟)

Activity Seven: Reading. Pass out the reading story to students. If you are a sub who doesn’t know Chinese, please have a student read aloud the story for you. Ask the volunteer. 1st time the teacher/volunteer student read aloud other students listen. 2nd time the teacher/volunteer student read aloud and other students repeat aloud after them. 3rd time students read aloud on their own. Have the students read the story silently for 3 minute, non-stop reading silently. If they finish reading the story, ask them read again until the time is up.

活动八; 分组重述故事:每对的成员每个人有两分钟的时间尽可能大声说故事给对方听。如果学生在时间到之前就读完,那么他们应从头开始再说一次。当他们大声说时,你要在教室巡堂查看他们的正确性(和发音)。一定要鼓励他们会用中文说故事。(约10分钟)

Activity Eight: Pair up students and have them retell the story to one another. Time 2 minute and have Student A read first, Student B listen. And then 2 minutes up, Student B rete the story, Student A listen. Always remember they have to continue to speak/tell the story and non-stop until time is up. And then switch different partner and do the same activity again.

活动九; 写阅读问题:两个两个一组。回答阅读文章后的问题,将答案写下来。(10分钟)

Activity Nine: Pair up students. Have them work together and work on the worksheet. Write the answers in Chinese characters.

活动十; 故事接龙: 两人一组,限时五分钟学生写故事内容,然后五分钟后换学生读对方所写的故事内容。如果学生在五分钟内写完,他们得再重写一遍,知道时间到为止。

Activity Ten: Pair up students. Time 1 minute. Have students rewrite the story in 5 minutes. After 5 minutes switch their work and have the other party to read the written story.

活动十一:速读:发给学生速读文章。 限时三分钟。让学生读故事。三分钟到后,请学生数一数所读的字再除以三(分钟) 看看每分钟读速多少。 这样重复但减少分钟数,两分钟、一分钟。 收作业。

Activity Eleven: Speed Reading. Pass out the speed-reading story. Time 3 minutes and have students read the story non-stop for 3 minutes. Count how many words they read in 3 minutes and then divide the words into 3 to get how many words they read per minute. Repeat the step but reduce the time to 2 minutes and then 1 minute.

活动十二:重写故事。 让学生用自己的话重新写故事。故事长度必须达三段、200个字以上。

Activity Twelve: Rewrite the story. Please have the students rewrite the story. The story has to be more than 200 words, three paragraphs.  总教学时间为80-160分钟或更久。

Subplan for November 30 & December 1 Chinese Level I, II, III

November 28-B Day (Wednesday)

5th – 8:10-9:35 Chinese Level I

Seahawk time- 9:40-10:10

6th (prep) – 10:15-11:35

7th – 11:40-1:00 Chinese Level III

2nd lunch – 1:00-1:30 Chinese Level II

8th -1:35-2:55

All the periods will do the same thing but different story. 所有班级的学生都做同样的事情,只是抄写不同长度的故事。

1.    Please do the roll first. Please tell them that you’re going to do the roll according to the seating chart so they have to sit where they are supposed to. (5 minutes) 根据座位表点名。

2.    Pass out the 3rd story to students. Have the students read the story silently for 3 minute, non-stop reading silently. If they finish reading the story, ask them read again until the time is up. Tell them the purpose is for them figure out what party they understand what they don’t. Underline the words they don’t. 将第三个故事发给学生让学生安静地读故事短文三分钟。读完了再读,直到时间到。要他们在不知道的或不懂得字下划线。告诉他们这个活动是让他们看看自己了解这个故事多少。

3.    Discuss the words they don’t know. Pass the ipads to students. Each table (or every two students get one ipad) . Have them go to the app PLECO to look up the words. 讨论不懂的字。请学生去拿平板电脑。用其中的PLECO app 查单字。

4.    After looking up the words they don’t know. Have them silent read the story for 1 minute. 查完单字后,请他们再重读这篇文章一分钟。

5.    Please pass out the line-paper to students and two index cards. Have them write down their name, period and date on the paper. 发横格纸和两张书目卡给学生。请学生写下名字、班级、日期。

6.    Please ask the students to copy down the 1st story and questions in both Chinese characters and Pinyin. Students also need to translate the story to English and answer the questions in Chinese characters and pinyin.

发故事短文给学生。让学生用中文字、拼音抄写故事短文和问题。 之后他们要翻译成英文。

7.    This activity is about 30 minutes. If a student does faster than the others, please ask them to read aloud, non-stop reading, until time is up.这个活动约30分钟。如果有同学先写好的话,请他们大声地读故事短文,读到时间到为止。

8.    After 30 minutes no matter students are done copying or now, please ask questions to check their comprehension. (10 minutes) 三十分钟后,不管学生做完了没,请用中文问学生故事短文一些问题、确认他们都懂短文的内容。

9.    Have them read them read aloud for 3 minutes non-stop reading until 3 minutes is up. Tell the students they have to read the story at least 5 times in 3 minutes. (5-7minutes)


10.Have the students read the story silently for 1 minute, non-stop reading silently.


11.Pair them up to ask one another the story questions for 5 minutes. If they’ve done asking the questions, they have to start over again. (5-8 minutes)


12.Collect the paper. And then pass out the index card and have the students to rewrite the story in pinyin. (15 minutes) 收学生写好的作业/横格纸。最后发书目卡让学生重写故事。用拼音写。

December 1-A Day (Thursday)
1st  – 8:10-9:35 沉浸式中文班
2nd  (prep) – 9:40-11:35
3rd – 11:40-1:00 中文一
2nd lunch – 1:00-1:30
4th - 1:35-2:55 沉浸式中文班

Subplan November 29 DLI Chinese 3Honors




  1. 展现对中文故事的理解。Able to  present the comprehension to the story by answering the questions to it correctly and/or appropriately
  2. 能运用所教的单字。To present the skill  of the vocabulary taught by creating sentences with it in them.

目标词汇:Target vocabulary
阴历 Lunar calendar
阳历 Solar calendar
月亮 moon
月饼 moon cake
特别 special
就要…了 is going to
快要…了 is going to
教材:(注意:下面*星号表示包含在本书里面) Materials
* 投影:随堂测验2-1-1单字填空。
* 影片:
老外看台灣:高雄夜市好吃好玩郝毅博 Ben Hedges visiting night market in Taiwan
老外郝毅博 偕老婆逛台灣夜市|郝毅博|老外看中國| Ben Hedges visiting night market in Taiwan
* 网络quizlet


Activity One: Warm up: Please write the target words on the board. Once the students step into the classroom, they are expected to copy down the words from the board silently. Please do the roll and get ready for the next activity. (5 minutes)


Activity Two: Review. Review the old words learned last time. You may either use or small whiteboard to review these words. (if you are a sub who does not know Chinese, you may just let them go to on their own to review the words with ipads or their cell phone.)

活动三:影带播放:播放老外郝毅博 偕老婆逛台灣夜市|郝毅博|老外看中國引起学生兴趣。讨论影带内容。提到吃的主食对中国人的重要性。

Activity Three: Play the video clip for students to motivate student’s interest. Discuss the importance of food to Chinese people.


Activity Four: Introduce the new words. If you are a sub who doesn’t know Chinese, you may have students use ipads, each table or every two students gets one ipads- to look up these words’ meaning. Have them write the words meaning in their words in Chinese onto their notebook.

活动五:练习单字。让学生拿出他们的手机或教室的平板电脑,到quizlet去玩Flashcads, Learn,SpellTest。确定每位学生都完成四个部分的spelltest(如果有学生先做完,请他们才可以玩Match game,可是在那之前,确定每位学生都做完该做的部分) (10-15分钟)

Activity Five: Students may ipads or their cell phone and go to to work on three parts, FLASHCARD, LEARN, SPELL, and TEST. No Match game should be played before students complete all the fours parts.

之后让孩子们拿他们在档案夹里的小白板练习。请他们根据老师所说的单字,写出该单字的中文字、拼音、和句子。看每一个学生的句子,然后给予鼓励。Afterwards, please ask students to pull their own small whiteboard from their binder and practice. If you are a sub who doesn’t know Chinese, you may ask one of the students to say one Chinese, and have all students to write its Chinese characters, pinyin and create their own sentences. 


Activity Six: Pass the fill-in blank for students to work on. About 5 minutes and make sure EVERY STUDENTS done, then please ask them to switch the paper with their neighbors. Project the fill-in worksheet thru document camera and have the students discuss the answers and correct them.  Collect the paper.

活动七;阅读故事:发给每个学生阅读文章「史宾塞的月饼和山姆」。第一次老师大声读,学生听。第二次老师读,学生跟着读。第三次,学生自己读。之后让学生安静地读这故事,读完再读,读到分三钟到为止。  (10分钟)

Activity Seven: Reading. Pass out the reading story to students. If you are a sub who doesn’t know Chinese, please have a student read aloud the story for you. Ask the volunteer. 1st time the teacher/volunteer student read aloud other students listen. 2nd time the teacher/volunteer student read aloud and other students repeat aloud after them. 3rd time students read aloud on their own. Have the students read the story silently for 3 minute, non-stop reading silently. If they finish reading the story, ask them read again until the time is up.

活动八; 分组重述故事:每对的成员每个人有两分钟的时间尽可能大声说故事给对方听。如果学生在时间到之前就读完,那么他们应从头开始再说一次。当他们大声说时,你要在教室巡堂查看他们的正确性(和发音)。一定要鼓励他们会用中文说故事。(约10分钟)

Activity Eight: Pair up students and have them retell the story to one another. Time 2 minute and have Student A read first, Student B listen. And then 2 minutes up, Student B rete the story, Student A listen. Always remember they have to continue to speak/tell the story and non-stop until time is up. And then switch different partner and do the same activity again.

活动九; 写阅读问题:两个两个一组。回答阅读文章后的问题,将答案写下来。(10分钟)

Activity Nine: Pair up students. Have them work together and work on the worksheet. Write the answers in Chinese characters.

活动十; 故事接龙: 两人一组,限时五分钟学生写故事内容,然后五分钟后换学生读对方所写的故事内容。如果学生在五分钟内写完,他们得再重写一遍,知道时间到为止。

Activity Ten: Pair up students. Time 1 minute. Have students rewrite the story in 5 minutes. After 5 minutes switch their work and have the other party to read the written story.

活动十一:速读:发给学生速读文章。 限时三分钟。让学生读故事。三分钟到后,请学生数一数所读的字再除以三(分钟) 看看每分钟读速多少。 这样重复但减少分钟数,两分钟、一分钟。 收作业。

Activity Eleven: Speed Reading. Pass out the speed-reading story. Time 3 minutes and have students read the story non-stop for 3 minutes. Count how many words they read in 3 minutes and then divide the words into 3 to get how many words they read per minute. Repeat the step but reduce the time to 2 minutes and then 1 minute.

活动十二:重写故事。 让学生用自己的话重新写故事。故事长度必须达三段、300个字以上。

Activity Twelve: Rewrite the story. Please have the students rewrite the story. The story has to be more than 300 words, three paragraphs.


Subplan for November 28 & 29 Chinese Level I, II, III

November 28-B Day (Monday)

5th – 8:10-9:35 Chinese Level I

Seahawk time- 9:40-10:10

6th (prep) – 10:15-11:35

7th – 11:40-1:00 Chinese Level III

2nd lunch – 1:00-1:30 Chinese Level II

8th -1:35-2:55

All the periods will do the same thing but different story. 所有班级的学生都做同样的事情,只是抄写不同长度的故事。

1.    Please do the roll first. Please tell them that you’re going to do the roll according to the seating chart so they have to sit where they are supposed to. (5 minutes) 根据座位表点名。

2.    Pass out the 2nd story to students. Have the students read the story silently for 3 minute, non-stop reading silently. If they finish reading the story, ask them read again until the time is up. Tell them the purpose is for them figure out what party they understand what they don’t. Underline the words they don’t. 将第二个故事发给学生让学生安静地读故事短文三分钟。读完了再读,直到时间到。要他们在不知道的或不懂得字下划线。告诉他们这个活动是让他们看看自己了解这个故事多少。

3.    Discuss the words they don’t know. Pass the ipads to students. Each table (or every two students get one ipad) . Have them go to the app PLECO to look up the words. 讨论不懂的字。请学生去拿平板电脑。用其中的PLECO app 查单字。

4.    After looking up the words they don’t know. Have them silent read the story for 1 minute. 查完单字后,请他们再重读这篇文章一分钟。

5.    Please pass out the line-paper to students and two index cards. Have them write down their name, period and date on the paper. 发横格纸和两张书目卡给学生。请学生写下名字、班级、日期。

6.    Please ask the students to copy down the 1st story and questions in both Chinese characters and Pinyin. Students also need to translate the story to English and answer the questions in Chinese characters and pinyin.

发故事短文给学生。让学生用中文字、拼音抄写故事短文和问题。 之后他们要翻译成英文。

7.    This activity is about 30 minutes. If a student does faster than the others, please ask them to read aloud, non-stop reading, until time is up.这个活动约30分钟。如果有同学先写好的话,请他们大声地读故事短文,读到时间到为止。

8.    After 30 minutes no matter students are done copying or now, please ask questions to check their comprehension. (10 minutes) 三十分钟后,不管学生做完了没,请用中文问学生故事短文一些问题、确认他们都懂短文的内容。

9.    Have them read them read aloud for 3 minutes non-stop reading until 3 minutes is up. Tell the students they have to read the story at least 5 times in 3 minutes. (5-7minutes)


10.Have the students read the story silently for 1 minute, non-stop reading silently.


11.Pair them up to ask one another the story questions for 5 minutes. If they’ve done asking the questions, they have to start over again. (5-8 minutes)


12.Collect the paper. And then pass out the index card and have the students to rewrite the story in pinyin. (15 minutes) 收学生写好的作业/横格纸。最后发书目卡让学生重写故事。用拼音写。

November 29-A Day (Tuesday)
1st  – 8:10-9:35 沉浸式中文班
2nd  (prep) – 9:40-11:35
3rd – 11:40-1:00 中文一
2nd lunch – 1:00-1:30
4th - 1:35-2:55 沉浸式中文班