Thursday, March 14, 2013

三月十四日星期四 - March 14, Thursday - A Day

FOR CHINESE LEVEL I ABSENT STUDENTS - #1, copy down the words onto your notebook and show the teacher the notes when you come back, #2, down the the articles and read them. Please click the titles to access the articles. Susan Powell, Frostena Snow Women, Scale E. Reptile, Sir George VI 

Today we learned the following words -
頭髮tóu fà
眼睛yǎn jīng
鼻子bí zǐ 
嘴巴zuǐ bā
耳朵ěr duǒ

尋人啟示 - Susan Powell

尋人啟示 - Scale E. Reptile

尋人啟示 - Sir George VI

After new words introduction we grouped students of 4 and students worked together with different articles. They were requested to read through the article and shared with their partner what their article was about.

南瓜燈nán guā dēng 
月餅yuè bǐng
春節chūn jiē 
乾淨gan jìng 
窗戶chuāng hù
(By Jose V.)

孔雀kǒng què
海葵hǎi kuí 
水母shuǐ mǔ 
河馬hé mǎ
天鵝tiān é
(By Maddie D.)

堤壩路 =
芒果 = mango
謀殺 = murder
椰子= coconut
蘆筍 = asparagus
(By Bailee S.)

磁鐵 = magnetic
激光筆 =
遺失 = lose
圓球筆 = ball-point-pen
墨水 = ink
(By Corbin)

墨汁 =
尺子 = ruler
鋼筆 = pen
水彩筆 =
教練 = coach
(By Alex Pitcher)

屛幕 = screen
司機 = driver
開除 = fire
蓮霧 =
雪碧 = sprite
(By Ashley)

土豆 = potato
鹽 = salt
木瓜 = papaya
卡 = card
(By Austin A)

海軍 = navy
狙擊手 = sniper
氫彈 =
炸藥 =
薯條 = French fries
救護車 = ambulance


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