Today we learned some words about Christmas like 鈴鐺、聖誕老人、聖誕樹、蠟燭、禮物、玩具、柺杖糖、小星星、慶祝、鹿、麋鹿。For 1st period student, after we introduced new words with TPR and PQA, we worked on the translation for Chinese song - 聖誕老人。Students were asked to use a dictionary or online dictionary to look up the words they don't know. They were allowed to use their cell phone to look up the words as well. Due to the failure wireless access point in the classroom we were not able to use the newbook computer to get online and work the translation. However, 2nd and 3rd periods students were able to access internet and worked as pair to look up the words we've learned this week. They learned how to type traditional characters and/or simplified characters and looked up the words and listened to their pronunciation. 3rd period students also used small whiteboards to practice the new words.
鈴líng 鐺dāng = bell
聖shèng 誕dàn 老lǎo 人rén = santa claus
聖shèng 誕dàn 樹shù = Christmas tree
蠟là 燭zhú = candle
禮lǐ 物wù = presents
玩wán 具jù = toy
柺guǎi 杖zhàng 糖táng = candy cane
小xiǎo 星xīng 星xīng = little star
慶qìng 祝zhù = celebrate
鹿lù = deer
麋mí 鹿lù = reindeer
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