Wednesday, December 21, 2011
December 21, Wednesday - 十二月二十一日星期三-B (make-up day)
As usual, we did the calendar activity first and then had some volunteer students to do their calendar presentation. After that, we separated two groups; one group workedn the task/assignment which they didn't complete yesterday, the other group on number colorsing as the following.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
December 20, Tuesday十二月二十日星期二- B
We did the calendar activity right after the 6th period class started. There were 8 of voluteer students did the calendar presentation and received their credit for it. After the calendar we distributed some Chinese candy and T-shirts for students. Next students were asked to complete an assignment on voicethread - to listen to a story and to record their answers to questions. Here's the procedure to get to the assignment.
#1, type ""
#2, log in with the student school email address/account
#3, type in the password. (If you forget the password, please email me) and log in.
#4, click "My Voice" on the top mid-right tap,
#5, go down on your left side of the screen, you will see the groups - Chinese Level I, Chinese Level II, or Chinese Level III,
#6, listen to the oral story several times- Brown Bear, What are you looking at for Chinese Level I (6th period students) and make notes when you're listening,
#7, click "comment" to record your answers; you either may choose "type" or "record" for your answer but as a teacher I prefer to listen to your oral answer. After you record your answers, click "save". You may click "cancel" if you don't like your answers and would like to record it again.
#8, remember to log out.
#9, if you upload your picture for ID if you want but at this time it's not a requirement.
#1, type ""
#2, log in with the student school email address/account
#3, type in the password. (If you forget the password, please email me) and log in.
#4, click "My Voice" on the top mid-right tap,
#5, go down on your left side of the screen, you will see the groups - Chinese Level I, Chinese Level II, or Chinese Level III,
#6, listen to the oral story several times- Brown Bear, What are you looking at for Chinese Level I (6th period students) and make notes when you're listening,
#7, click "comment" to record your answers; you either may choose "type" or "record" for your answer but as a teacher I prefer to listen to your oral answer. After you record your answers, click "save". You may click "cancel" if you don't like your answers and would like to record it again.
#8, remember to log out.
#9, if you upload your picture for ID if you want but at this time it's not a requirement.
Monday, December 19, 2011
December 17, Monday 十二月十七日星期一 A
1st period studens had enough time for one learning center. After we've done the calendar introduction, there were 5 volunteer students to do the calendar activity on their own to receive their credit for their presentation which is 15% on the grade system scale. Next we used powerpoint to introduce a story. After the TPRStory and cycling questions, we made a Christmas tree with Chinese characters on it - 聖誕快樂/圣诞快乐。When students were done their Christmas tree making, they started to do the learning center; where students used netbook to practice typing, listening to a Chinese story, reading a Chinese story and answering the questions, reading pictures and retelling the story, reading pictures and rewriting a story. For 2nd period, we spent more time on storytelling. Keanu Hansen's parent brought in lots of Chinese candy and T-shirts with Chinese characters on them so we spent some time distributing these candy and T-shirt. 2nd period students in stead of doing learning centers with the limited time just played go fish去钓鱼in Chinese. The same the 3rd period, due to the limited time we just played go fish去钓鱼in Chinese.
December 16, Friday 十二月十六日星期五 -B
Today for 6th period we learned some words about Christmas like 鈴鐺、聖誕老人、聖誕樹、蠟燭、禮物、玩具、柺杖糖、小星星、慶祝、鹿、麋鹿。We used whiteboards to practice these words. After that we used netbook to practice typing Chinese words and got onto online dictionary to look up some Chinese words with their pronunciation and meaning.
鈴líng 鐺dāng = bell
聖shèng 誕dàn 老lǎo 人rén = santa claus
聖shèng 誕dàn 樹shù = Christmas tree
蠟là 燭zhú = candle
禮lǐ 物wù = presents
玩wán 具jù = toy
柺guǎi 杖zhàng 糖táng = candy cane
小xiǎo 星xīng 星xīng = little star
慶qìng 祝zhù = celebrate
鹿lù = deer
麋mí 鹿lù = reindeer
Thursday, December 15, 2011
December 15, Thursday 十二月十五日星期四 -A
Today we learned some words about Christmas like 鈴鐺、聖誕老人、聖誕樹、蠟燭、禮物、玩具、柺杖糖、小星星、慶祝、鹿、麋鹿。For 1st period student, after we introduced new words with TPR and PQA, we worked on the translation for Chinese song - 聖誕老人。Students were asked to use a dictionary or online dictionary to look up the words they don't know. They were allowed to use their cell phone to look up the words as well. Due to the failure wireless access point in the classroom we were not able to use the newbook computer to get online and work the translation. However, 2nd and 3rd periods students were able to access internet and worked as pair to look up the words we've learned this week. They learned how to type traditional characters and/or simplified characters and looked up the words and listened to their pronunciation. 3rd period students also used small whiteboards to practice the new words.
鈴líng 鐺dāng = bell
聖shèng 誕dàn 老lǎo 人rén = santa claus
聖shèng 誕dàn 樹shù = Christmas tree
蠟là 燭zhú = candle
禮lǐ 物wù = presents
玩wán 具jù = toy
柺guǎi 杖zhàng 糖táng = candy cane
小xiǎo 星xīng 星xīng = little star
慶qìng 祝zhù = celebrate
鹿lù = deer
麋mí 鹿lù = reindeer
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
December 14, Wednesday 十二月十四日星期三 - B
Today for 6th period at the beginning of the class, we did the calendar as usual. After that, we learned some words about snow that we learned yesterday for 1st and 2nd periods such as 冬天、下雪天、雪花、冰雕、堆雪人、雪橇、扔、丟、雪球、滑雪、鏟雪、打雪仗。(To know each word's Chinese meaning, just highlight the Chinese character, click "ctr + c" paste the character to the website listed on the right top of this webpage the Chinese-English Online Dictionary). We used TPR commands to learn these words and PQA to familiar with the words. Next we used the whiteboard activities to practice these words and making a little bit sentences. For example, Gage 跟Lady Gaga坐雪橇。Stuart對Gage丟雪球。etc. And then we played a standing-up game with the words. Each student was assigned one Chinese word; when the student heard the word said by the teacher which matched his /her assigned word, he/she had to stand up and yelled its English meaing at the same time. Later than that, students were asked to stand up once they heard any word and yelled out its English meaing. The student who yelled the correct English meaning and was the fastest one received 1pt extra for their participation.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
December 13, Tuesday 十二月十三日星期二 - A
It's snowing. 下雪了!!Today for 1st and 2nd periods we learned some words about snow such as 冬天、下雪天、雪花、冰雕、堆雪人、雪橇、扔、丟、雪球、滑雪、鏟雪、打雪仗。(To know each word's Chinese meaning, just highlight the Chinese character, click "ctr + c" paste the character to the website listed on the right top of this webpage the Chinese-English Online Dictionary). We used TPR commands to learn these words and we played 老師說(Simmon Says) to review and/or assess students' knowledge about these words. Next, we used whiteboard activities to practice these words and making a little bit sentences. After practicing on the small whiteboard, students were given 8 index cards. They cut the 8 index cards half into 16 cards, and write the following words on each card; one word a card (just Chinese characters only, no English meaning neither pinyin) - 冬、天、下、雪、花、冰、雕、堆、人、橇、扔、丟、球、滑、鏟、打、仗. After students have done making the cards, they picked up the cards according to what they heard from the teacher.
Today at 3rd period, after the calendar activity, the teacher introduced the following words with TPR commands- 一頭、一棟、一個、一天、都、有錢、沒有錢。We also reviewed the words learned last time, 学校、老师、学生。After introducing these words with TPRS, we played a little bit Simon says (老師說) to review the words and then we used small whiteboard to practice these words. Next students worked together on copying down the story on page 46 and translating it sentence by sentence. (To view the story please see the blog of December 12, Monday for 6th period. ) After we corrected all the translated sentences, students read the story to their partner within 1 min, 45 seconds, and 30 seconds.
Today at 3rd period, after the calendar activity, the teacher introduced the following words with TPR commands- 一頭、一棟、一個、一天、都、有錢、沒有錢。We also reviewed the words learned last time, 学校、老师、学生。After introducing these words with TPRS, we played a little bit Simon says (老師說) to review the words and then we used small whiteboard to practice these words. Next students worked together on copying down the story on page 46 and translating it sentence by sentence. (To view the story please see the blog of December 12, Monday for 6th period. ) After we corrected all the translated sentences, students read the story to their partner within 1 min, 45 seconds, and 30 seconds.
Monday, December 12, 2011
December 12, Monday 十二月十二日星期一 B
Today at 6th period students, we learned the following words - 一頭、一棟、一個、一天、看到、都、給、有錢、沒有錢、因為、可是。We also reviewed the words learned last time, 学校、老师。After introducing these words with TPRS, we played a little bit Simon says (老師說) to review the words and then we worked together on translating of the story on page 46 sentence by sentence. We also used TPRS cyclying questions to practice student listening comprehension.
The story is the following--
Next, students copied down the story and questions in pinyin, and then they answered the questions in pinyin.
When the students are done, we practice the Chinese characters.
Of course, we also do the calendar activity like 今天是___月___日。昨天是___月___日。明天是___月___日。今天是星期___。昨天是星期___。明天是星期___。And before the class we listened to the Chinese song about Jingle Bell. (to hear the song, please click the "jingle bell" for the fill-in lyric blank please click Fill-in Jingle Bell.)
For 7th and 8th period students, today we learned French number 1-20. We also do the map of France quiz. After that we played games about numbers to review these words.
The story is the following--
Next, students copied down the story and questions in pinyin, and then they answered the questions in pinyin.
When the students are done, we practice the Chinese characters.
Of course, we also do the calendar activity like 今天是___月___日。昨天是___月___日。明天是___月___日。今天是星期___。昨天是星期___。明天是星期___。And before the class we listened to the Chinese song about Jingle Bell. (to hear the song, please click the "jingle bell" for the fill-in lyric blank please click Fill-in Jingle Bell.)
For 7th and 8th period students, today we learned French number 1-20. We also do the map of France quiz. After that we played games about numbers to review these words.
December 9, Friday 十二月九日星期五 - A
Today we briefly introduced the learning centers that we're going to have the coming Friday and the day before Christmas break. We're going to have 10 learning centers with groups of 4; each group will complete the task at each center and they may choose 9 out of the 10 centers to work on.
After the brief introduction to the learning centers, we practiced some Chinese characters with 毛筆(maobi-brush paint) and then we watched about 20 minutes vdieo about Monkey King.
After the brief introduction to the learning centers, we practiced some Chinese characters with 毛筆(maobi-brush paint) and then we watched about 20 minutes vdieo about Monkey King.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
December 8, Thursday 十二月八日星期四 - B
Today our student teacher, Mr. Mark (Make Laoshi), taught 30 minutes at 6th period. He taught the following words:一張床、睡覺、學校、下雨。After that, we reviewed the story on page 43 and copied down the questions and answer the questions. After we corrected the answers we had a reading challenge. Partner A read the story to Partner B until 2 minutes' up and then Partner B read to Partner B until 2 minutes up. We repeated reading the story until students can completing reading the story in 1 minute and/or 45 seconds. Mark Laoshi read the story in 30 seconds while Mrs. Duke read it in 15 seconds.
For 7th and 8th period Foreign Language Survey students, they first copied down the words on the board, and then they did a pre-test knowledge about France. Next they read an article and find the answers from the articles to the questions. After correcting the answers, they draw a French map and then play jeopardy game about France.
For 7th and 8th period Foreign Language Survey students, they first copied down the words on the board, and then they did a pre-test knowledge about France. Next they read an article and find the answers from the articles to the questions. After correcting the answers, they draw a French map and then play jeopardy game about France.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
December 7, Wednesday 十二月七日星期三 A
Today we do the calendar activity such as 今天是___月___日。昨天是___月___日。明天是___月___日。今天是星期___。昨天是星期___。明天是星期___。今天天氣___。昨天天氣___。明天天氣可能___。明天天氣會是___。After that, the teacher read the sentences on the story of page 26, and students volunteer to translate the sentences. Next, students work on the page 28, the fill-in creative story, by themselves. We didn't have time to retell the story but we did the Chinese song - Santa's coming to town. Students receive a package of two songs that we're learning this month. Today they are asked to listen to the song and fill-in the lyric in the blank.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
December 6, Tuesday 十二月六日星期二 - B
For 6th period students, we learned the words -筷子、碗、叉子、湯匙、刀子、盤子、杯子。After that we used small whiteboards to practice the words. After done practicing we did a quick informal assessment on how much words we got. Each student received 7 index cards and folded them and cut in half. Each card was written a Chinese character taughted today. When they heard the words I said, they picked up the cards matching to the word I said.
For 7th and 8th periods students, since there was not a school last Friday we did the mid-term quiz today. It was an open book quiz to test students the Chinese words they've learned - greetings, colors, animals, numbers, day of the week and month.
For 7th and 8th periods students, since there was not a school last Friday we did the mid-term quiz today. It was an open book quiz to test students the Chinese words they've learned - greetings, colors, animals, numbers, day of the week and month.
December 5, Monday 十二月五日星期一 A
Today is A day. We learned some new words - 筷子、盤子、叉子、刀子、碗。For 1st and 2nd periods, after we talked about the calendar, we asked questions such as 星期四回家的時候,你的房子有沒有電?(When you got home last Thursday, was there any power in your house?) 你的房子好不好?有沒有問題?(Is your house okay? Is there any damage/problem?) Then we used small whiteboards to practice those new words.
Of course we introduced a little bit about culture.
#1, Chinese people eat with bowls while American do with plates; Chinese people hold the bowl to the mouth and shavel the rice in while American lay the plate down and reach the food on the fork.
#2, The way Chinese hold the bowls is different from Americans. Chinese hold the bowls by the side; the thumb on the edge of the top of the bowl and the 4 fingers on the bottom stand of the bowl while most of American hold the bowls on the bottom. Why do Chinese people hold the bowl like that? Well, Chinese people love to drink HOT SOUP; it would be 'dangerous' if you hold the bowl on the bottom -you would get burned.
#3, Chinese bowls are different from American's; on the bottom of Chinese bowls there's a stand while American's there's not.
#4, Chinese people use chopsticks almost for everything; we can use them to cut food like a knife and to pick up food like fork.
After that, 1st period students worked as pair on the story on page 26; where they need to translate the 2nd paragraph and answer the question. 2nd period students worked as pair on the same story but they worked on the 1st paragraph instead.
3rd period students do the same procedures as the 1st and 2nd period students do but they worked on the story on page 43 of the textbook v.1; where they have to copy the story and translate it into English.
Of course we introduced a little bit about culture.
#1, Chinese people eat with bowls while American do with plates; Chinese people hold the bowl to the mouth and shavel the rice in while American lay the plate down and reach the food on the fork.
#2, The way Chinese hold the bowls is different from Americans. Chinese hold the bowls by the side; the thumb on the edge of the top of the bowl and the 4 fingers on the bottom stand of the bowl while most of American hold the bowls on the bottom. Why do Chinese people hold the bowl like that? Well, Chinese people love to drink HOT SOUP; it would be 'dangerous' if you hold the bowl on the bottom -you would get burned.
#3, Chinese bowls are different from American's; on the bottom of Chinese bowls there's a stand while American's there's not.
#4, Chinese people use chopsticks almost for everything; we can use them to cut food like a knife and to pick up food like fork.
After that, 1st period students worked as pair on the story on page 26; where they need to translate the 2nd paragraph and answer the question. 2nd period students worked as pair on the same story but they worked on the 1st paragraph instead.
3rd period students do the same procedures as the 1st and 2nd period students do but they worked on the story on page 43 of the textbook v.1; where they have to copy the story and translate it into English.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
December 1, Thursday 十二月一月星期四 A
Today we're learning new words - 看起來、聽起來、聞起來、嚐起來、感覺起來、像、用得、長得、弄到, and we reviewed the words we learned last time - 想要、认识、飞机场、地道、请。After introduced these new words with TPR and PQA, we used the small whiteboards to practice these words. We also use these words in sentences and use TPRS questioning to get more familiar with the words. Lots of students had creative answers to the questions. They used Chinese realy good.
At 2nd period, our Student Teacher, Mr. Neveille or MaKe LaoShi (马克老师), who students are familiar with and love used the notes the students have taken as resources and taught them tones. 马克老师 did a great wonderful job and all the 2nd period students were so involved. After 马克老师's teaching, we learn the words -看起來、聽起來、聞起來、嚐起來、感覺起來、像、用得、長得、弄到. Since we didn't have much time to do the small whiteboard activities but we did have a great time on PQA.
At 3rd period, first we introduced the new words - 一棟、房子、一頭、奶牛、問、賓館、旅館、飯店、帶、地方、裡面、進去。After the new words, we worked on the calendar package. Since there are three students's birthday falling on December; we spent around 10 minutes to draw birthday cakes and have these three students pick up the best one they think.
At 2nd period, our Student Teacher, Mr. Neveille or MaKe LaoShi (马克老师), who students are familiar with and love used the notes the students have taken as resources and taught them tones. 马克老师 did a great wonderful job and all the 2nd period students were so involved. After 马克老师's teaching, we learn the words -看起來、聽起來、聞起來、嚐起來、感覺起來、像、用得、長得、弄到. Since we didn't have much time to do the small whiteboard activities but we did have a great time on PQA.
At 3rd period, first we introduced the new words - 一棟、房子、一頭、奶牛、問、賓館、旅館、飯店、帶、地方、裡面、進去。After the new words, we worked on the calendar package. Since there are three students's birthday falling on December; we spent around 10 minutes to draw birthday cakes and have these three students pick up the best one they think.
November 30, Wednesday 十一月三十日星期一 - B
At 6th period we learn some new words such as 一頭、奶牛、問、賓館、帶、地方、一棟房子。After we introduced the new words with TPR (guestures) and PQA (persoanl questions and answers); we used small whiteboards to practice words. And then, we acted out the story about the boy and a cow.
At 7th & 8th periods we worked on the calendar package; we introduced Chinese animals with powerpoint. After that, we used the small whiteboards to practice the words and then we listen to a Chinese Christams song named -Santa Claus is coming to town. (聖誕老人進城了)
At 7th & 8th periods we worked on the calendar package; we introduced Chinese animals with powerpoint. After that, we used the small whiteboards to practice the words and then we listen to a Chinese Christams song named -Santa Claus is coming to town. (聖誕老人進城了)
一yī 頭tóu = one (counting unit for big animal)
奶nǎi 牛niú = cow
問wèn = ask
賓bīn 館guǎn = hotel
帶dài = bring/take
地dì 方fāng = place
一yī 棟dòng = one (counting unit for building)
房fáng 子zǐ= house
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