Wednesday, August 27, 2014

中文一 Chinese Level I August 27, 2014 Wednesday 八月二十七日星期三

For Chinese Level I 4th period, we had a great fun time. Students loved to joke around in Chinese by creating sentences. That  is fantastic. They learned the vocabulary through stories better than the dialogue. We played bingo games, tossed the "Houzi" for PQA. It was great.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

中文二 & 三 Chinese Leve II & IIIAugust 26, Tuesday 八月二十六日星期二

4th period we did the disclosure and the following words. At the end of the class we sang a song.  For Chinese Level 1 4th period.

8th Period

()(huān)  = to like
()()(huān)  = don't like

(nán)(hái)  = boy

()(hái)  = girl

(hěn)  = very

(yīn)(wéi)  = because

(shì)  = is/am/are

(zài)()()  = one more time

(ju)(shǒu)  = raise hand

(lǎo)(shī)  = teacher

(xiào)(cháng)  = principal

()(xiào)(cháng)  = assistant principal

()(hǎo)  = Hello
()(hǎo)()   = How are you?

()(hěn)(hǎo)  = I am fine.

(xiè)(xiè)()  = Thank you

(hóu)(zi)  = monkey
We used the rhyme "Marry has a little lamb." to sing the following song.

()(hǎo) ()(hǎo) ()(hǎo)()



7th period

中文一 Chinese Level I 八月二十五日星期一August 25, Monday

Today we did the disclosure and the following words. At the end of the class we sang a song.

()(huān)  = to like
()()(huān)  = don't like

(nán)(hái)  = boy

()(hái)  = girl

(hěn)  = very

(yīn)(wéi)  = because

(shì)  = is/am/are

(zài)()()  = one more time

(ju)(shǒu)  = raise hand

(lǎo)(shī)  = teacher

(xiào)(cháng)  = principal

()(xiào)(cháng)  = assistant principal

()(hǎo)  = Hello
()(hǎo)()   = How are you?

()(hěn)(hǎo)  = I am fine.

(xiè)(xiè)()  = Thank you

(hóu)(zi)  = monkey
We used the rhyme "Marry has a little lamb." to sing the following song.

()(hǎo) ()(hǎo) ()(hǎo)()

